When it comes to preparing for the future for any type of survival or emergency scenario, having stocks at the ready is critical. Having the right items is even more necessary because it can spell the difference between life and death.
So, if you’re thinking of stocking up for the change in season or just for your underground bunker just in case things go haywire, here are the top 6 items you should have in stock.
Garbage Bags
These bags are easy enough to accumulate in bulk. What people do not see is that there is a lot of utility to these common household items.
They can be used as alternatives to roofing. Since you can buy these at bulk, if you need an emergency shelter, these can be taped together to make a large tarp. They are also strong enough to withstand most types of wind. Garbage bags can also endure either hot or cold weather.
Garbage bags are also efficient water collecting and storage containers. With various sizes, you can easily store up at least a gallon of water. That’s enough to use for sanitation or, when filtered, for drinking.
What’s more, a garbage bag roll is lightweight and does not need a lot of space. You can also repurpose these for different uses.
Aluminum Foil
Any survivalist knows that a roll of aluminium foil can go a long way. It can be made into various useful utensils. You can make bowls, pots, and even a frying pan with it.
Since it is highly reflective, it can be used as an emergency signal if you need to call out to rescuers if you fall into a dire situation. It can also be used as a rain collecting device. Finally, since it has certain protection from unwanted electrical waves, it can be a good material for your DIY Faraday cage.
Duct Tape
Ask any grandfather or dad on how to use a duct tape and they would say that it only starts with putting things together.
This is a staple for anyone who loves to DIY which is why it will pay to have boxes of these in stock. Aside from repairing, you can use this to build makeshift shelters, clothing, and even tools.
Anyone who has this in their home will know that duct tape is used almost daily for a wide variety of purposes.
This is a common household item that not everyone often thinks about. But in survival applications, it has more than just seasoning purpose.
Salt can be used to preserve food. You can use salt as it is or mix it in water to brine. It can also function as antiseptic if someone gets wounded. Gargling with salt is also proven to be an effective remedy for sore throats.
As we know, salt can also be used on snow. It will provide traction as well as melt ice for safer pathways. You can also use it to clean up rust from your metal or iron cookware.
Canned Goods
When you’ve eaten the contents of your canned goods, don’t be quick to throw away the containers. Tin cans can be used for a variety of purposes.
Tin cans can be used as utensils. They can be used as drinking cups or a small pot for boiling water or cooking. They can also be used as a form of alarm if you want to monitor movement in the area around you.
Dental Floss
More than just hygiene, you can use dental floss for various purposes. One is that you can use it to make a fishing pole. Dental floss is strong enough to handle small to medium-sized fish. If you’re quite handy, it can also be used to create traps for small game.
You can also use it to stitch some materials that need repair or in extreme scenarios, it can be a first aid when closing up a wound.
Making the most out of everyday items is an essential skill in keeping yourself and your family safe. Stocking up will not just keep your home ready for any scenario, it will also make you feel more at ease and at peace.